"I love meeting all the guys and I love sex."

I'm a prostitute. This is my second day. I worked yesterday and I had my first date and it was awesome. I was living in a tent. So all I really want to do is get back on my feet, get stable and live in an actual home. I love meeting all the guys and I love sex, so it’s the perfect place to be. In the beginning it was nerve racking because I didn't know what to do.

The whole tantric sex thing. I want to look into that. It sounds pretty spiritual. It's a technique when you're having sex, you're connecting with the person spiritually, like physically and spiritually so you're making that one connection. So I think it's pretty exciting. It's pretty intimate when someone can make that connection with you.

I learned how to put a condom on with my mouth. That was pretty interesting. I'm down to try anything once. I'm a thrill seeker. I believe everyone should be pleasured.


"My highest paid show was 1650."

I am an escort, call girl, extraordinaire. Your typical working girl, prostitute, harlot, hooker, whore, whatever you want to call us.  I've actually been working the last 3 1/2 almost 4 years. Anal is always always extra for me. Depending,  100 to 200 dollars. The bigger somebody is the more I'm going to charge him. 200? Probably between 5-6 inches. It's not so much the length as it is the width. I do a lot of role play. Daddy fantasies. 

My highest paid show was 1650. It was like 4 hours. Tons and tons of fucking and he actually had a whole thing setup. He had video cameras and he wanted me to talk to the camera while he was jacking off. He had a whole thing that he had setup and he had planned for months ahead of time.

I have cute feet so I always get guys that want to suck on my toes. I've got a pretty decent chest. So like if a guy wants to titty fuck me it's another 100 to 200 dollars.

Stacey Valentine

"I'm a sex addict."

I have fun. All kinds of stuff. I'm a muse, I'm a contortionist. I have sex for a living. Mostly I have a lot of sex. I'm a sex addict. What better place to be in and live out my fantasies and be a sex addict. I know the word addict sounds like so, maybe a bad thing. You know what? I am what I am. I've always sort of been hyperactive. Mentally, sexually, physically.

Yeah sure sex worker, prostitute, courtesan, dominatrix, your fantasy. Yeah all of the above. I was a stripper for a long time.  

I'm open to a lot of shit. I've done a lot of kinky stuff in my life.

Alexis Fire

"Guys would pay me really good money."

I'm a legal prostitute. I jumped on a dating website and met some sugar daddies and they became financing my lifestyle for awhile and then, the guys would pay me really good money. Most of my sugar daddies were older gentlemen, a lot of them were doctors, unfortunately married doctors. 

Some of them hadn't had sex in years. Then I had a guy that just, he had a fetish. He didn't want to cheat on his wife. He wanted nothing to do with it, but he wanted you to watch him you know; jackoff and that's what he wanted. 

Vivanna Leigh

"I bring love and light into their life."

I call myself a working girl. A lot of people would say that I'm a prostitute. I fulfill people needs and I make people happy. I fulfill every human need. Sex is just as much of a human need as love, air, water, food. I mean you need sex. For a man to spend his entire life or even 10 years, 20 years, 30 years, 40 years without even being touched or talked to or even looked at by a woman is a tragedy and I bring love and light into their life. I feel like I've been put on this earth to make people happy.

I see a lot of virgins and the average age of a virgin is between 35 and 55. The average virgin is a man who is a doctor, a lawyer, a dentist. He's a very successful man and he's spent his entire 20's focusing on his studies and his schooling and becoming successful in life and by time you become 30 it's hard to go out with what we would call a civilian girl and tell her you're still a virgin cause she just doesn't understand. But they're not creepy or weird or strange like that horrible movie would lead you to believe.

I just need to give them a little kickstart.


"All the men that I've ever slept with have been nice."

I'm a working girl. The sex is wonderful. You get to role play. Use toys. You kinda go outside your box. You lose all your inhibitions. Which is fun. All the men that I've ever slept with have been nice. 

My family doesn't know. I kind of keep it quiet. I think if they found out they would be really upset.

Ashley Nicole

"I dressed up like a school girl."

I'm a legal prostitute. It's really fun. I get to meet new people every day. And just have a lot of fun. Sexual fun.  Lots of fantasies and role playing and toys and fetishes and all kinds of stuff. 

I'll tell you about my last party. It was about 30 minutes ago actually and it was a school girl, professor party. I dressed up like a school girl and he was the professor and he pretty much dominated me. Told me what to do. Like lead the way. It was nothing forceful but it was just really hot. I got an A++. I'm like on the honor roll.

I love anything that has to do with two girls. I really love it. I'm very bi.Vaginas and penises, they're are all different and I want to see them all. The more the merrier.

Kira Matthews

"They pick you out of the lineup."

I'm a legal prostitute. It's hectic. It's stressful. I make money doing it. It's actually harder than the average job. You have to learn how to talk. You have to learn how to dress. There's really strict limitations to what you can and cannot do when it comes to customers to get their attention. You can talk to them. You can't let them physically let them touch you without paying. 

The lineup is where they ring the bell a bunch of times because there's somebody who want's a lineup. You tell them your name. You introduce yourself. You can't talk other then saying your name. And they pick you out of the lineup. And when they pick you, you give them a tour and you negotiate your price in your room. And then if they want to party, which is what we call it, partying, which is if they want sex or any type of sex, then they pay the cashier. Then you come back to your room. You have a sheet laying on your bed and they have a towel so they can take a shower and you also  have to check their pubics to make sure they don't have anything wrong or any open sores or anything like that. Anything you do, you have to use a condom. 

We try to put makeup on and do our hair. We wear heals all the time. Just try to make yourself as attractive as you can. It's nerve racking because you really want to get picked to make money. There are guys that creep you out but you still have to do your job. I look at it like a dollar sign. Actually I'm not enjoying it at all. I'm just do my job, make money and go home. Actually I fake a lot.


"I even have a fetish about men in wheelchairs."

I'm a working girl. I'm a professional lover. It's a lot of fun. I like older men. I even have a fetish about men in wheelchairs. And maybe blind guys or deaf guys. The kind of people that normally probably couldn't find, you know a pretty girl on the outside. I like to be able to provide that to them. I'm almost living vicariously through them. You know getting to be with a hot girl and not you know having that opportunity. So it's extra exciting.

Like to be dominated. I also like to be, like I said before to give a guy, like a virgin, maybe a guy you would call nerdy and be able to give them that experience. It's like extra erotic. Like for instance when I look up porn I don't look up the hot guy, the muscles or the blonde chick with the big boobs. You know that's too vanilla for me. I look up you know maybe old men and you know younger girls or maybe a fat chick with two young guys or you know two ugly people or something. It's gotta be different for me to. I guess I need more stimulation. I guess. Or simulated.

Well it's almost the same as some of the guys that comes in here. He lays on his back you know and I get to work. And then you take viagra and it all works and everything. You know not for everybody. But there's other things you can do. Even if you don't have a working member. You know you can kiss. You can do 69. You can play with toys. You can just lick all over the body. For guys in a wheelchair that are numb from here on down. The ears are a really good part and kissing is important. 

Amy Page

"I love sex more than anything."

I'm a sexual therapist. I give pleasure to men that come through the door. I do it through sexual pleasure. I do it through having sex. Oral sex, all kinds of sex. I love sex more than anything. I was a very sexual kid. I knew what sex was when I was 5. I started masturbating at a very young age. As soon as I turned 5, I walked in on my parents. I knew that I wanted to have sex all the time. I had my 1st girl on girl experience when I was 12.

I want my client saying wow that was the best sex of my life. And you remember it forever. My favorite thing is oral.  I love oral. It's my favorite thing. 

 I love being a working girl. I love being a bunny.

Courtney Cross

"I like being a prostitute."

I'm a prostitute. She gets paid for having sex. All kinds of sex. I've fucked like on an average, like a week, maybe 15 or 20 or more. If I have a good connection with my client that I remember. I always do have an orgasm. I do because it makes the party better if we both climax. There's a certain peak in the moment when I do. Not right when he puts it in.

I mean you have to be able to separate your emotions from business. At the end of the day it's still work. I feel like it's work. Not a regular job but it is work. I really wouldn't want to have another job. I like it here. I like being a prostitute. Because I make a lot more money then a regular job would. I have high self esteem. 

My parents, my family and my friends they know I work I mean they know I'm a prostitute. Well my parents. I'm not a little kid. They don't pay my bills.

Like during the week I work 12 hours and then on the weekends I work 15 but I always work like longer then that. My shift can start at 3 and I go to bed like 7 in the morning. I work long hours. I get tired. I take power naps and red bull.

Roxi Ryder

"Sex is always fun."

I came here to explore my sexuality. Kind of find my place. I like to have fun. It means that I like to try new things. Toys are fun. Sex is always fun. If you make it fun. I make it funI like doggy style. Definitely. It just turns me on. I like a little hair pulling. I love it. 

Men? I love that they're so naive. It's fun. Men are interesting. They're sweet. They're charming. They're silly. Men are men. What can I say. Oh women are beautiful. I love women. Especially the women here. They're gorgeous. I love women. Especially women with the long hair. The women with the big butts. I'm a butt person. Not so much boobs. I don't even have boobs. But I'm a butt person.

You know the crazy thing about it is I don't even call myself a hooker. It's not even in my head. Isn't that crazy? I'm just fun. I just feel like I'm offering a service to men maybe woman, who knows. Yeah but i'm offering a service to people and it's a fun job. You know you can't really say anything unless you've actually been here, you've actually tried it. I just love it here. I'm just thankful for this opportunity.

I've only been doing this a week. I would say I've had sex with 4 or 5 guys. But you know as I go along I'm not going to remember most of them.

Gracie Graves

"I'm a hooker."

I'm a hooker. It first started when I was working in China. I went to the university there. I kinda got involved in the sex industry over there. And I came back to the states and I did some independent escorting. And I just realized it wasn't going to be that safe and decided to do it legally and came out here. I'm really happy here.

I was doing it in Arizona. I got arrested once and then the Department of Homeland Security was investigating me. And I got robbed and blackmailed and got beaten up a few times. So it just isn't worth it. It's not safe out there. Well when I was working out there, my working name out there was a Russian name and I used a Russian accent when I was working and I think one client, I don't know who told on me but I think a client said maybe that I was illegally trafficked, like underaged, like sex trafficked. This sounds like pretending to be Russian, so they thought that. A lot of times a client wants to ask a lot of questions, if I use an accent I can act like I don't know what they're saying. It works out.


"A quickie's 15 minutes."

My flat rate charge is the entrĂ©e. They always have to pay that flat rate charge. If they want a side, they're going to have to pay more for it just like in a restaurant. My ad shows 250 an hour. Some places I charge 300 an hour. I will do quickies for 120. A quickie's 15 minutes. Couples, fetishes, role-play, just fantasies, stuff like that. It totally depends. Role-play I would charge anything from 30 to 80 extra. They would have to tell me exactly what they want from me so I can charge accordingly. Foot fetishes normally 20 to 40. 20 is the low-end if they just want to play with my feet. If they want to get off on my feet it's the high-end. Couples are if it's two males, the price is doubled. If it's a male and a female, a female is 150 extra. 

Well I also do out calls and out calls I charge an extra $150 for that. I actually have a foot fetish guy, a regular, we've never had sex, he tells me I have to lay on my stomach. He will be holding one licking and kissing and sucking on my toes and the other one will be on his balls kind of kneading them and he will get off that way. Now the strange thing about this is he brings this big mirror with him. I don't always know when he gets off because I'm not touching his penis.


"I like money."

I come from Thailand. I want to work. I'm happy I stay here. Everyone is here nice. Save money. Take care of family in Thailand. I have sex for money. I have to learn English more. One month I stay in Texas. Come here. 

I like have sex. Have money. I like money.


"I'm used to talking to men in strip clubs."

Stripper slash prostitution. Prostitution. In Las Vegas, Nevada. Showgirl Video. It's was ok.  There's not a lot of great money in that industry right now. If I was lucky I would leave there with six dollars. You go to do what you gotta do. It's all a hit or miss. You can have a good day or a bad day. It all depends on what man comes in at what time. 

The economy out there is still struggling. And not enough guys were coming in to see us. I think it's being affected by porno. Free porn. You can get porn videos anywhere you know for cheaper then what guys want to pay to see a girl dance or come you know, fuck a girl here. So you know it's all basically who the guy is. What he wants to do.

I wasn't really nervous because I'm used to talking to men in strip clubs. You know trying to lure them into the private shows. Get them into the private booths. I'm used to a clientele. Talking to them. Knowing what I got to say to get them.

Usually I work 2 pm to 2 am. I'm usually out there in the parlor. You know hanging out, waiting for a guy or I'm in here waiting for the bells to ring. To tell us to line up. A guy you know wants to choose you out of a line up. So it's all really laid back and relaxed. You don't really have to worry about too much problems or party people getting in trouble.

You can't be nervous when you want to make money when it's what you want to do.

Stacey Thomas

"I'm very sensual and very sexual."

I'm a Courtesan. That means we are very versed in the sexual industry and able to speak to the gentlemen about their interests and their desires and able to please. Not only on an emotional level but on a mental level too. We aim to please them with their fantasies. Whatever fantasies they have. To fulfill their desires.

I haven't been doing this very long. I just started. I've come to the realization I enjoy pleasing and I'm very sensual and very sexual and I very much enjoy getting to know and understand what the men's needs and desires are.

I have gentlemen that ask me if I'll just hold them. I consider that interesting because usually men are dominant. And here they can be whoever they want. I think my two years of schooling in psychiatry helped. 

I think I'm going to do very well. I think I'm going to be very successful. I do what not a lot of woman do. I listen. And I'm very emotional. I'm attentive. The reason why I got involved in this is because I wanted to go back to school. And working as a bartender or a waitress you can't make that kind of money to go back to school. Or help a family out. And the economy is a bit down. There is one thing. People always need to be listened to, heard and loved. And appreciated. If you can deliver that you can be very successful.

I have great expectations.


"They spoil us with money."

I'm a working girl. I go to the lineup. I do my job. People come here and pick one girl in the lineup. If I get a chance to be picked up I go with them. They can something on their mind [sic] like doing party, so I bring them to my room and I talk about what they want. What they need. What they have on their mind. So after that if we agree with their decision I bring them to the office and voila!

It is exciting sometimes when you find out the client is a very interesting guy. I enjoy it. If you don't like what you're doing don't stay here. This is the famous place in the world. People come from all around the world, look at us like we're famous, like very mysterious woman and why we do that? Because we want to please the people. They want to be pampered and spoiled by the girl next door. Sometimes they have fantasies.  So we help them as we can to make them happy. And they make us happy because they spoil us with money. This is the kind of profession you can become very wealthy.

Angelina Monroe

"It's called a party."

I'm an entertainer. When you entertain a guest it's called a party. I don't party. I don't do drugs or drink. It's called a party. When you entertain a gentleman that's what they call the time you spend with the client who seeks your time. It's a party. It doesn't mean I'm out drinking and doing drugs. It's not like, party! Party is what is described as our intimate one on one time. When a client seeks our affection and our time, we come in private, we negotiate that time. It's booked through the office and then whatever we have agreed upon we come in private and we handle it private or set out on the town. The limo can wisk us to anywhere in the Nevada limits. I've been to Vegas, I've been to downtown Reno. They really want the companionship. They really want someone to spend the day with them because they have a million things to do and they want someone to accompany them. The day is how they want us to spend it, whatever they're seeking our time to be. Whether it be just a simple sex act or staying the night or staying a couple of nights. In an instant I can be kidnapped. I'm a slave for three days.

It's a wonderful place.
